Show Your Love for Town Hall with the McKeegans!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Town Hall Arts CenterSupporting Town Hall Arts Center on Colorado Gives Day, 2023!
raised by 4 people
$1,000 goal
When Jake and I moved to Littleton in 2012, the first thing to catch my eye on Main Street was a quaint looking little theater in a gorgeous historical building called Town Hall Arts Center. My mind was about to be blown – how was I to know that this “little” theater did some really big things.
We saw our first show – The Producers – within 2 weeks of returning the U-Haul. And within a few months I was a volunteer usher, gladly showing patrons to their seats and squeezing into an empty spot to absorb the magic on the stage. In the decade-plus since then we’ve seen dozens of productions and I’m thrilled that each of my boys had their first theatrical experience right in that building. We’ve had season tickets, attended fundraisers, purchased art in the Stanton Art Gallery, trick-or-treated during Goblin Give Out, performed with theater club classes, and sung carols before the Candlelight Walk parade. And now I have the absolute pleasure of serving on the Board of Directors, helping this amazing team of people turn this “little” theater into something even more magical.
Many of you know I spent my fair share of time on a stage (sometimes real, sometimes just the top step of the staircase…) and being a theater kid truly allowed me to become my most *real* me. I learned to embrace that inner (and outer) weirdo and really let her shine. I can’t think of a kid who couldn’t benefit from experiencing theater. So, when I learned that one of Town Hall’s main missions is to provide that experience to youth in Littleton, and the rest of the Denver metro area, I was even more enamored. Whether on stage, backstage, or in the audience – Town Hall welcomes everyone. And I am honored to be a part of such an encouraging and enthusiastic family.
Town Hall Arts Center is a GEM. Really. If you haven’t seen a show here, call me and we’ll go – just prepare to have your socks knocked right off. If you HAVE seen a show, see another one! And another! The rest of this season – and everything we’re planning in the future – is phenomenal. And regardless of your patron status – join me in supporting this fantastic group for Colorado Gives Day!