20 for 20 - $20,000 for 20 Years!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Mountain Studies Institute
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It's our 20th anniversary! Help us plant the seeds of education and research for the next 20 years.

25 donors

raised $5,775

50 donor goal

It's Mountain Studies Institute's 20th anniversary! Thanks to donors like you, MSI has been empowering communities in the San Juan Mountains via "science people can use" for two decades.

The demand for local science and outdoor education opportunities is higher than ever - will you help us answer the call? Programs your donation supports:

- Environmental education field trips - connecting youth to science and stewardship via their local rivers and ecosystems. Our goal is to say YES to every field trip request!

- Citizen science - engaging citizens in hands-on restoration and data collection efforts in the mountains we all love (water quality, wildlife, snow science, and more!)

- Long term monitoring - collecting data about our rivers and forests that communities need to inform land management decisions. How does forest management affect our snowpack? How will new restoration technology affect water quality? How do forest fires affect our fisheries?

- Collaborative partnerships - all the science in the world is only helpful if people are using it! Maintaining networks of professionals who work together for the health of our mountains, forests, and rivers is key to our success in the face of more and more complex environmental challenges.

- On-the-ground restoration - with your support we can test out best practices for restoring ecosystems and making our watersheds more resilient to climate change. Modeling these practices helps others around the region - and the globe - to take the leap!

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