Arkansas River Valley LGBTQ+ Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Chaffee County Community FoundationTransforming the Ark River Valley into a more just, welcome, and safe community.
raised by 21 people
$6,000 goal
The Arkansas River Valley LGBTQ+ Fund seeks to create a more just, welcome, and safe community. What started as a brainstorm on how to create resources for local initiatives to educate, raise awareness and foster inclusive leadership, formed into the Arkansas River Valley LGBTQ+ Fund hosted by CCCF. The fund is driven by a steering committee representing allies, agencies, and individuals passionate about creating safer, more inclusive spaces in our community.
We've set a goal to raise $10,000 to launch mini-grants in 2024 to youth organizations, community leaders, and businesses seeking to build more inclusivity into their programs and policies.
We've secured $4,000 through community donations and grants. Help us reach our goal of raising $6,000 now through Colorado Gives Day!
Every dollar raised will get us closer to building a more just, welcoming, and safe community in the Arkansas River Valley.
Steering Committee:
Shelley Schreiner, Survivor Advocate
Andrea Coen, Community Advocate
John McGowan, Community Advocate
Bianka Martinez, Community Advocate
Andrea Carlstrom, Public Health Advocate
Jimmy Sellars, Fund Advisor
Betsy Dittenber, CCCF Liaison