The Alliance's 2023 Colorado Gives Day!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Alliance Center
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On Colorado Gives Day, please help The Alliance reach our goal of $100,000!


raised by 33 people

$100,000 goal

The Alliance Center, the Alliance for Sustainable Colorado, the Regenerative Recovery Coalition, the Alliance for Collective Action, the Coalition for a Regenerative Future.... you may know us by different names, but our goals remain the same!  We convene leaders of environmental and social movements to advance solutions for a thriving planet.  

Thanks to your donations in 2022, we have accomplished the following in 2023:

  • Finalized our Just Transition Roundtable series and published a detailed list of policy recommendations to support workers, families and their communities moving away from fossil fuels.
  • Hosted farm tours, bringing local chefs and restauranteurs, community members and more to nearby regenerative farms to see healthy soil practices in action.
  • Launched our Green Jobs education program, bringing clean energy employers into the classrooms to talk to high school students about career pathways.
  • Supported more than 20 new state laws that advance all eight building blocks for a regenerative future, including many that were elevated directly from our crowdsourced policy platform.
  • The Alliance Center was not only recognized as a Gold Certified business by the Colorado Green Business Network (CGBN), we were chosen as the sole winner of the CGBN's 24 Karat Gold award!

The Alliance is on a springboard to scale and grow the organization's impact and geographic reach. We are now at a tipping point of deep societal change. By donating today you are helping Coloradans achieve a regenerative future in which all can thrive!

The Coalition team joined partners 350 Colorado and Cultivando to host a community event in Commerce City. Participants worked together to imagine a future beyond the Suncor refinery. Participants gathered at The Coalition's 2023 regenerative farm tour. This year's tours brought together dozens of chefs, restauranteurs and community members to explore the local regenerative agriculture scene.The Alliance influences state policy with our annual crowdsourced policy platform, ensuring that Colorado policy is inclusive, innovative and forward-thinking.

The Center won the Colorado Green Business Network's 24 Karat Gold award, a voluntary, members-choice competition between CGBN businesses.

Giving Activity


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