Denver Scholarship Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$162,237 raised by 204 donors

100% complete

$150,000 Goal

Denver Scholarship Foundation (DSF) is a nonprofit helping to make college possible and building the educational and economic future of Denver by collaborating with Denver Public Schools (DPS) high school students, families, and partners statewide to increase access and completion of post-high school learning, while also expanding generational exposure to career and entrepreneurial opportunities. 

Your support of DSF helps make college possible for Denver students like Dehrian Ramirez. Dehrian’s college journey began in the DSF Future Center at Abraham Lincoln High School working closely with his DSF College Advisor to navigate admissions questions, college essays, and scholarship applications. Supported by the DSF Scholarship and by the additional wrap-around services that all DSF Scholars receive, Dehrian graduated from the University of Denver. The DSF community continues to be present in his life today as he continues to grow his career as the Lead Graphic Designer at a local branding agency.  

Watch the impact of DSF on Dehrian and his family below.

Whether Denver students are pursuing post-high school learning  at University of Denver like Dehrian, or at any of DSF’s 31 college partners across the state, DSF Scholars rely on the support of community members like you for the scholarships and wrap-around services DSF provides.  

Every dollar you donate to DSF before December 31 will be doubled up to $75,000 thanks to a generous match from the Herbert and Judy Paige Family Foundation. 

The best time to support students and DSF Scholars like Dehrian is now. A gift to DSF is an investment in the successful future of thousands of Denver Public Schools (DPS) students and their families. Make a difference by giving today! 

Giving Activity


Denver Scholarship Foundation (DSF) inspires and empowers Denver Public Schools' students to achieve their post-secondary goals by providing the tools, knowledge and financial resources essential for success.

Background Statement

Philanthropists Tim and Bernadette Marquez wanted to increase the level of college attainment in Denver. They were joined by former Mayor John Hickenlooper and former Superintendent Michael Bennet to help make access to higher education possible for all DPS students today and for generations to come.

DSF was founded based on wide recognition that DPS students face multiple barriers to completing a post-secondary degree. Philanthropists Tim and Bernadette Marquez pledged $50 million in the form of a challenge grant. As a Lincoln High School graduate, Tim felt called to make a long-lasting impact on DPS students for generations to come. This challenge catalyzed the process of putting into place a comprehensive program to support DPS students in completing high school and obtaining a higher education degree.

DSF began with a pilot program serving three Denver high schools, and by the end of 2007 the program had expanded throughout the district. Today, DSF operates 15 Future Centers serving 19 DPS high schools.

Organization Data


Organization name

Denver Scholarship Foundation

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Education, Youth Development

Organization Size

Large Organization


789 Sherman Street, Suite 610
Denver, CO 80203

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US





Social Media