Ark Valley Helping Hands

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Chaffee County Community Foundation
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Helping older adults age stay connected and valued in the commuity through volunteer services.


raised by 36 people

$12,000 goal

Ark Valley Helping Hands (AVHH) is a trusted partner in Chaffee County that supports older adults, so they can remain independent and in their own homes, as well as connected to their neighbors and our community.

Our arrangement of having a membership fee has proven to be a barrier for some who can't afford it. We are working fervently to not exclude any segment of our county's aging community. The first step has been to change the membership fee to a suggested membership donation. As a result, our membership program no longer requires a fee or renewals.

We are seeking funding to support a second trishaw bike for Buena Vista. This year we piloted a trishaw program in Salida and we gave over 100 free rides to older adults. The trishaw is an electric pedicab specifically designed for older adults. It is driven by a trained volunteer and boosts the health and well-being of people who can no longer get outside. The relationship built between the pilot and passengers creates intergenerational friendships and an opportunity for new adventures. 


This fundraiser supports

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Chaffee County Community Foundation

Organized By Aubrey Tamietti

Giving Activity


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