Imagine a World Without Art (ugh)

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Local Theater Company
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Support Local Theater Company in discovering, developing, and producing the next great play!


raised by 6 people

$2,500 goal

Why give to Local Theater Company? That's a reasonable question. Here are my answers: 

1. Your contribution creates jobs, plain and simple. Local hires theater makers (yes, actors, but also designers, technicians, stage managers, crew, directors, playwrights, etc). 

2. Local offers comprehensive, free literacy programs (LocalWRITES) to middle school students, many of whom are English Language Learners. Your donation allows students to discover the value of their personal stories. 

3. Innovation costs. Watch us turn your dollar into breath-taking spectacle, the kind that only theater can create. 

There are likely many organizations vying for your coin at this time. I hope you'll consider contributing to Local, a theater company that values diversity of thought, experience, and identity. I like to think we're doing the good work. Your help is greatly appreciated. 

Thanks for listening to my pitch! 

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