Yuma Recreation Complex

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Community Foundation of Northern Colorado
Fundraiser image

Community with a passion to see Yuma thrive. This project is for the community, by the community.


raised by 1 people

$50,000 goal

Who Are We?

We are a group of committed community members, each with a passion and inclination to see Yuma thrive. This project is for the community, by the community. The scope of the entire project is a multipurpose recreation center with amenities like an indoor and outdoor pool, basketball, volleyball, and racquetball courts, a weight room, an indoor and outdoor track, multipurpose rooms, and a child care center.

Why Support?

Our proposed recreation center will provide well-rounded adventure and wellness opportunities for ALL. As a rural community, we need to do our part to bring in new amenities to make sure Yuma can continue to be home for many for more years to come. Donations directly enable us to pursue this mission and test if this is a project that will be sustainable in our community.

Can I mail a check?

Of course! You can mail a check to the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado.

Make checks payable to the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado with Yuma Recreation Complex in the memo line. 

Mail to: CFNC - 4745 Wheaton Drive, Fort Collins CO 80525


Giving Activity


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