The VOCO "Chasing Dreams" Campaign

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Hadanou Collective
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Help us double the number of VOCO programs in Denver by 2025.


raised by 42 people

$50,000 goal

VOCO supports Denver's up-and-coming superstars and the pursuit of their musical dreams. But in order to sustain and expand our support for youth, we need the generous support of adults like you.

Donations provide Denver youth with:

1. Quality, relevant, free music education programming that give them the tools for success.

2. Sustained and expanded programs in under-resourced neighborhoods to keep dream-chasing accessible for more families

3. A world-class network of mentors who help them believe in their value and discover their potential

Reaching our $50,000 goal will help us sustain current programs and expand to ten VOCO programs across Metro Denver in 2025. If you have the means, please donate generously. Help more youth bring their dreams within reach!

This fundraiser supports

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The Hadanou Collective

Organized By Vocal Coalition Youth Choirs

Giving Activity


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