A New Van for Salem Missions

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

True Impact Ministries, Inc.
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Buy a Van to help Salem Missions with transportation


raised by 0 people

$40,000 goal

We Made It!

Update posted 2 years ago

We made it!!  God is Good!  

We raised enough for the van and for petrol.  

We have two other projects you can help us complete:

1.  Earlier this year, we started building a security wall around the dormitories at Salem Christian School.  We need $15,000 to finish.

2.  Currently, the teachers at the school all live in apartments in a nearby village.  To save rent and have the teachers closer, we want to turn the old farmhouse into a teacher's dormitory.  We need $9,000 for this project.

Last year, we gifted the school and farmland formerly known as Truth Christian School to Salem Missions.  As a foreign entity, True Impact is not allowed to own land in Uganda.  The change in ownership allowed for the school to have a pastor, someone we trust, in charge, bringing much needed spiritual guidance to the school and to the community.  

Salem Missions is in great need of a new vehicle.  Pastor Alex and his team now travel back and forth between Naama, where the Salem Children’s Centre is located, and Nakyenyi, where the school is located.  On a good day it is about a 3-hour drive.  Salem has an old, well-used van that needed to be replaced before taking over the school.  Our appeal to you now is to help us buy Salem Missions a new van to transport people and supplies. 

Right now, you can DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT.  We have a generous donor who offered to Double All Donations for this project, up to $15,000.



We need to raise $40,000 to purchase the van.  Any amount you give will be doubled, up to the first $15,000 received.  Any donations we receive above the cost of the van will be used to pay for petrol and expenses the school and home.

More details here:  https://www.trueimpactministries.com/van

Giving Activity


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