Claudia's Run for Refugees!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

ECDC African Community Center
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Help our team raise funds to welcome a new refugee family to Colorado!


raised by 1 people

$500 goal

25 days left

The African Community Center of Denver (ACC) is a refugee resettlement agency with a mission of helping refugees and immigrants rebuild safe, sustainable lives. They welcome families fleeing persecution from all over the world, from countries such as Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ukraine, and many others.

Our team is excited to be partnering with ACC via their Co-sponsorship Program, which involves a shared commitment between the resettlement agency and a team of volunteers to help a refugee family become self-sufficient and thrive. 

Our team is currently fundraising to support a refugee family's initial months in the U.S., and we need your support. In addition to providing financial resources, our team will also be providing volunteer support to the family in a variety of areas, such as education, transportation, employment, and more. 

Your Donations Will Have an Impact!

-$25 provides initial hygiene items 

-$50 provides a cleaning kit for their apartment 

-$100 provides new sheets and pillows

-$150 provides a twin bed frame & mattress for a refugee child 

-$250 provides a full cart of groceries 

-$500 provides a partial rent payment

Please consider watching the video below to learn more about what our Co Sponsorship journey will look like.

Thank you for your support & your help in spreading the word!

This fundraiser supports

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ECDC African Community Center

Organized By Claudia Iglesias

Giving Activity


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