The Lounge and YEA

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Youth Empowerment Agency
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raised by 0 people

$15,000 goal

Team participant

Here at "The Lounge" our mission is to provide a home away from home! A place where adolescents, ages 7-20 years-old; can come relax, do their homework, play sports or even take a nap! Everyone is welcome! This building has much to offer as we have many programs that assist these adolescents and the families behind them! Ranging from assigned mentors to financial stability assistance. This building's main focus is rehabilitation in any way. We are here for you and to help these families in any way they need it. This business is motivated to help each family reach their own personal success. This can mean being financially free or even making sure their child is set up for their life after high school. Here at The Lounge we will be able to assist these families and guarantee their pursued successes. Although it may feel like society doesn't care, we DO and we WILL go to every extent to make sure our members feel our care! We are working with YEA youth to make up for learning loss and social connections that are much needed to
The Lounge,
"A home away from home, a place where we rehabilitate, a place where we really care!"

Giving Activity


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