Sustainable Neighborhood Network

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Nonprofit Development Center (CNDC)
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Harnessing the passion of neighbors for climate action and community connection


raised by 19 people

$60,000 goal

Why Donate

The Sustainable Neighborhood Network helps cities take direct climate action and build more connected neighborhoods.

In Colorado, Denver, Fort Collins, Lakewood, and Wheat Ridge are members of the Sustainable Neighborhood Network and are supported by our programs and staff. We are thrilled to have welcomed Portland, Maine to the Network in 2023, expanding our reach and impact across the country. 

Collectively we have run over 2,000 projects, events and workshops, in 32 neighborhoods with over 90,000+ participants.  From community gardens and paint recycling events to electrification workshops and youth environmental grants, all of these activities are helping neighbors to come together to take direct action on the land, water, air, and energy used in their neighborhoods.  

Why Now

We live in a world in which the impacts of a changing climate and other environmental crises are becoming ever more evident in daily life. At the same time, we’re losing the strong connections to our neighborhoods and to each other. Taking action, especially as a collective group, builds lasting connections among neighbors, helps us overcome our climate distress, and makes meaningful change from the roots up.

We have plans to deploy a new volunteer engagement platform to make it easier and faster for everyday citizens to have a big impact in their communities.  Your funding will go to the digital infrastructure and staff needed to deliver this new platform.  This will mean more impact in more Colorado cities and neighborhoods.  

Please donate now.

We are grateful for your support!

To add your neighborhood to the network, please contact us at:

To learn more visit us at:

Giving Activity


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