Radical Healing at Movimiento Poder

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Movimiento Poder
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Your donation to Movimiento Poder will support our Radical Healing work!


raised by 3 people

$3,000 goal

Your donation to Movimiento Poder will support our Radical Healing work! 

MP’s youth leadership development and mental health programming addresses a range of needs for access of Latine youth in Southwest Denver to be in community with one another as they heal and take care of their mental health at an individual level and at a collective level for greater community empowerment. We have found that among young Latines who are active in promoting community equity and empowerment in SW Denver, there is strong interest in learning mental health and coping skills as a collective project, particularly because of trust they have with built with one another and of a desire to be in a caring community with their peers in Southwest Denver.

With your support, we can continue providing a safe space for individual and collective healing!  

Giving Activity


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