Robert's Housing Story

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Reentry Initiative
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Unstable housing awoke a dormant addiction, further pushing Robert on the precipice of homelessness.


raised by 1 people

$20,000 goal

Over the past year we have witnessed the struggles of our members to gain affordable safe housing in Boulder County. The cost of stable housing has been a challenge for many individuals living in Boulder County and doubly challenging for those we serve.

Not only do our members come to TRI in dire housing or homeless situations, but the housing that is available to them usually comes with strings attached, is unsafe, and at times less desirable than living on the street. They also face extreme stigma and judgement due to their backgrounds compounding their challenges in finding a place to call their own. Our members have a high risk of shuffling between housing to homelessness and in the process losing everything they worked for.  

One case pulled at my heart strings, and I wanted to share this with our community.

We have a member who struggles with sobriety and is currently involved in our diversion program. He is an amazing individual with a lifetime of trauma and recovery. When we met him, he had over a year of sobriety under his belt and was transitioning from a halfway house to a short-term rental and TRI was there to support him with resources, furniture, clothing, and other basic needs in the home. While living there this member had a significant relapse that warranted him returning briefly to custody and attending a rehabilitation treatment program for 3 weeks after.  

This member has no familial support and was unaware and unable to remove his belongings because he was in custody and not able to communicate with his team. 

This member worked for months to collect the items he needed to stay self-sufficient, and it took less than 24 hours for him to lose it all due to a relapse.  Not only does this situation add more trauma to our members upon release from rehab, but it puts a strain on the resources and assistance we can provide a second time around and to others in need.

This story highlighted a great need for us focus our work to find stable, affordable housing placements with landlords and properties who will work with our members and understand the situations that they go through. This is why we are asking you to donate to our general funding to support TRI in the development of relationships with landlords who have safe housing and have emergency funding available to us to help store or cover expenses when members do not have the support or resources.

Will you support your neighbors with a donation today?


Emily Kleeman

Giving Activity


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