Give Me 5!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Mwebaza Foundation
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Your actions today could have a ripple effect that travels farther than ever imagined!

16 donors

raised $370

2,000 donor goal

What is any ocean but a multitude of drops?

We are looking to get 2,000 people to make a meaningful donation by tapping into the love and support of our family and friends! Donate $5 (or an amount that is meaningful to you) and share with five people in your community who are passionate about causes like ours!

Once you make a donation here, share the below message with your crew to use the power of community as a catalyst for change by spreading the word and supporting the Mwebaza Foundation mission. 

Example message:

"Saw this and thought of you. I just gave to Mwebaza’s Give-Me-5 campaign because they’re partnering with Colorado and Uganda educators to teach global citizenship AND change the charity model in Africa through their Ugandan social enterprises. 

If you have the capacity to make a donation and pass this along to five people, that’d be awesome. Everyone who donates is automatically entered to win a Mwebaza gift basket. If you’re not in a place to donate but still want to share this message, that would mean so much. Thanks, friend :)! 

Feel free to use my wording when you pass this along to your friends and don't forget to share the donation link!"

Thank YOU for supporting us and sharing our work! We couldn't do any of it without you. 

Giving Activity


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