Change not Charity- fundraising by morgan

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Chinook Fund
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Donate to social justice community organizing with me!


raised by 23 people

$4,600 goal

I am so excited to be, once again, raising money that will be granted out through the Chinook Fund. Although the act of fundraising can feel like a terrifying task for me at times, I am still excited to be doing the fundraising because of how wholeheartedly I believe in the work that Chinook Fund does and the work that Chinook Fund supports.

I believe in Chinook because, unlike the majority of philanthropy in the United States, Chinook supports Social Justice Change work. This means Chinook has an unyielding focus on supporting constituent led community organizing, with a particular focus on Black Liberation and Indigenous Sovereignty. In 2020 92% of the organizations funded were BIPOC led and 39% of those organizations were Black led. This is a truly radical approach in the world of philanthropy and it is much needed when it comes to creating meaningful systemic change.

On top of that Chinook Fund applies these values inside and out. Chinook redistributes the power of philanthropic decision making to community members (with a focus on genuine representation and power for and by BIPOC and other marginalized community members) through giving projects and grant making committees. These community cohorts are how I have been involved with Chinook over the years. The Chinook Fund has been around for over 30 years and continues to grow, change and push the envelope on what it means to be philanthropic support for, as well as a part of, the frontlines of change.

At this moment in history, I believe that we are in desperate need of powerful change. I also know that that change must come from the grassroots and our leadership must come from the communities most impacted.

This is why I am continuously motivated to fundraise for Chinook, to continue to give my time and my trust and my heart to Chinook. And I am giving my money too! Will you join me? My goal is to raise $4,600 by February 12th.
This is a lot of money to raise in a very short period of time but I know we can do it together!

This fundraiser supports

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Chinook Fund

Organized By Morgan Matter

Giving Activity


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