Colfax Marathon Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Jeffco Prosperity Partners
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Celebrating student success for JPP's 2024 high school graduates!


raised by 0 people

$5,000 goal

1 day left

For students experiencing poverty, celebrating graduation is more than just a ceremony. It's a symbol of their hard work, determination, and resilience in the face of challenges. It's a moment of recognition and pride that boosts their confidence and motivates them to pursue higher education and career opportunities.

At JPP, we believe in celebrating every success, especially for our students who have worked tirelessly to cross the finish line on graduation day. Through our Colfax Marathon Fundraiser, we hope to raise $5,000 to create an unforgettable event for students and their families.

Your support not only makes this event possible but also demonstrates your commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders in our community.

Congratulations to Fiona, JPP’s bright and determined high school graduate of 2024!  Excited about the future and embarking on a new chapter in life, Fiona looks forward to attending Red Rocks Community College in the fall, where she plans to explore her academic interests and lay the foundation for her future career. 

Reflecting on her journey, Fiona offers advice to other JPP youth: "Don’t let other people bring you down, just be yourself! I learned early on that if you don’t care what other people think about you and try to surround yourself with the people who truly love and support you, that will make your life all that much easier! Be you, because that is beautiful!” 

Fiona's success is not only a testament to her hard work, but also a reflection of the impact that JPP can have on young individuals. JPP provides vital support, guidance, and resources that empower youth like Fiona to break barriers, overcome obstacles, and achieve their dreams. 

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