Running Badwater 135 to Fight Breast Cancer

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Susan G. Komen Colorado
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I’m running 135 miles across Death Valley in July 2023 to support the fight against breast cancer!


raised by 34 people

$10,000 goal

In December 2022, my family received shocking news:  my wife Katie had been diagnosed with early stage (or "Stage Zero") breast cancer after a routine mammogram.  We were lucky to have caught it early, and we're hopeful for Katie's long-term health.  In support of Katie and the fight to eradicate breast cancer, I'm once again going to run the Badwater 135, a continuous 135-mile footrace across Death Valley during the hottest part of the year.  I also participated last year, and many of you were generous enough to help me raise several thousand dollars to benefit victims of the most deadly wildfire in Colorado history, which took place in and around my small community of Louisville, CO in late 2021.   

I had not known that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life - a staggering figure - and I'd like to play some part in the fight against this disease.  All donations will go to Susan G. Komen, the world’s largest nonprofit source of funding for the fight against breast cancer.  They have invested more than $3.3 billion in groundbreaking research, community health outreach, advocacy, and programs in more than 60 countries.  Their efforts helped reduce deaths from breast cancer by 40 percent between 1989-2016.  Still, they estimate that breast cancer will take one life every twelve minutes in the United States.  See for more details.

Badwater 135 is also known as "the world's toughest footrace," and is generally considered to be one of the most demanding and extreme running races on the planet. Having run the event last year with the support of a small team, I cannot disagree with that assessment.  The race took me almost 39 hours, and I had never before encountered, no less attempted to race in, such blistering heat.  At one point, I was told that the surface temperature of the road on which the race takes place had been measured at over 130 degrees Fahrenheit.  Completing it took just about everything I had, and I don't expect it to be any less challenging this year.  That said, it's nothing compared to the enormous toll that breast cancer will continue to take on so many families. 

If you are able to contribute, please consider making a donation.  All donations will go to Susan G. Komen, and none of the amounts raised will go toward any of my personal expenses for participating in the race or Katie's medical expenses.  I would also appreciate any willingness to share this campaign with your friends, loved ones, and anyone else you think might be willing to contribute.  I wish you all health and happiness in 2023. 



This fundraiser supports

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Susan G. Komen Colorado

Organized By Jeremy Scanlan

Giving Activity


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