Wellness therapies for cancer patients

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

LifeSpark Cancer Resources
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"Lifted me out of depression and despair. Gave me the will to stay here and live. "

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10 donor goal

LifeSpark believes that peace changes everything. Every day LifeSpark provides Reiki and Healing Touch wellness therapies at no charge to cancer patients and caregivers across Colorado because everyone with cancer deserves support and healing. Our therapies lower stress, depression, and pain while promoting healing on all levels.

Your $40 donation provides a one-hour wellness session for someone with cancer. 

$120 will support three weeks of sessions (one session a week).  

$500 will support someone with cancer for 12 weeks. 

Help me pay it forward, by making your donation to LifeSpark today. You will help someone with cancer find wellness and peace in the midst of fear and stress.

Start a monthly donation and your first gift will be matched!!!  Now through December 5th while funds last.  

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