Outdoor Furniture

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Sleeping Giant PTIC
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Furnish our beautiful outdoor classroom!


raised by 0 people

$20,000 goal

The Sleeping Giant School Parent Teacher Involvement Committee (PTIC) is seeking funds to complete our outdoor classroom. The space for the outdoor classroom was included inthe initial school design plans. The infrastructure, including flooring and electrical outlets, was completed during the buildout. In order to make this space a functioning outdoor classroom, we need to purchase furnishings. The outdoor classroom will be utilized by the entire school, which currently has 400 students enrolled in grades Pre K-8th .

Studies have shown that outdoor learning improves children’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. Outdoor learning has been proven to reduce stress in young learners. The outdoor classroom provides a refreshing new setting to break up the monotony of the four classroom walls, which can help get kids on their best behavior.

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