Durango Derailers Patient Assistance Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Community Foundation Serving Southwest Colorado
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Providing gas & lodging assistance for families traveling outside of SW CO for pediatric specialists

6 donors

raised $485

100 donor goal

Some visits to pediatric specialists are moments of crisis and others are planned consults or follow-ups, but they are often stressful times away from home and work often filled with many questions and uncertainty.  The Durango Derailers Patient Assistance Fund exists to support and serve our community families during these times with travel assistance in the form of gas and lodging allotments.  We were established in 2007 providing funds for those receiving care at Children's Hospital Colorado, but as of the fall of 2022, we have expanded our mission to include travel assistance to any pediatric hospital or specialty location outside of SW Colorado. This expansion was only possible due to our continued generous donations, sponsor support, rider and dancer fundraising, and successful team events.

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who makes this possible! Everyone from the corporate sponsors, donors, riders, and dancers, to event volunteers and those who share our cause and mission. We could not do it without you!

In 2022, we helped 3 families every 2 weeks on average. In 2023, we are helping over 7 families every 2 weeks, and in October 2023 alone we assisted 26 families! We are growing at a fast rate and able to help more and more families because of people like you! 

Gratitude from our families:

The Forrest Family

Dear Durango Derailers, I cannot express how grateful I am for your continued support over the last 18 months! Since birth, my daughter Ella Grace has required very specific, unique and frequent medical care. Traveling to Colorado Springs and Denver on a regular basis is a normal part of our life. Because of your financial support I am given the opportunity to say no thank you to stress surrounding her travel days. That gift is priceless.

Durango Derailers has been with us during our journey since our son Kendall was born in November 2021. Kendall was born at 29 weeks, weighing 2lbs 7oz. We had a rollercoaster NICU stay of 80 days at Grand Junction, Children's Hospital and Durango NICUs. Durango Derailers first helped us with hotel costs during our Denver NICU stay, and since then has supported us with multiple trips to Children's Hospital for specialist appointments, procedures and g-tube surgery. Durango Derailers is an INCREDIBLE resource for Durango families, and we are beyond grateful for their support. I had to quit my job to take care of Kendall's medical and feeding needs, so financial assistance to travel to medical appointments has been so so helpful. The 14+ hour roundtrip to Denver for medical care is stressful enough, and we can't thank Durango Derailers enough for alleviating the financial burden of the travel!! Thank you for everything you do for Durango's medical kiddos and families. 
The Walker Olson Family

Dear Durango Derailers, Wyatt has been going to see Doctors and specialists for nearly all of his life, more so these past few months unfortunately. It has been such a blessing to not have the stress of hotel and gas added to our plate. We are able to focus on Wyatt and getting him the care he needs, because of Durango Derailers! Our family cannot say thank you enough to all of the donors! We appreciate you all more than you will ever know! 
The Kaplan Family


The Nico Jones Family Dear Durango Derailers, Thank you so much for helping us out with gas money resources. We appreciate it more than you know! All these trips to Denver multiple times a year to see specialists can be costly. With the help from the derailers the gas funds provided by them have helped our little family immensely. It’s one less thing I have to stress about paying for. Thank you all so much for your support, it is greatly appreciated!

This fundraiser supports

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Community Foundation Serving Southwest Colorado

Organized By Durango Derailers Patient Assistance Fund

Giving Activity


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