2023 End of Year Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Turner Syndrome Colorado
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Consider a year-end donation to TS Colorado to support the TS Clinic and our community outreach.

3 donors

raised $1,300

50 donor goal

Next September, TS Colorado will hold its biannual Family Fun Walk and Fundraiser.  However, our commitment to the community and the TS Clinic are for every year, not just when we have our big fundraising event.  If you are looking to make a meaningful year-end gift, please consider donating to TS Colorado.  Your donations enable us to do great things for our community.

Here is a recap of our journey as an community:

In 2010, families in Colorado had no resources specific to Turner syndrome.  Endocrinologists at Children's Hospital tracked growth and puberty for girls with TS, but parents and other family members were required to find and coordinate care with all other specialists the child might need to see over time.

Now, here we are just 13 years later, with a TS Clinic that will celebrate its 9th anniversary in 2024.  Not only is the Clinic an amazing resource for families living in Colorado and the surrounding states, but it has become a leader in taking care of the whole person with TS.

We are lucky to have the Clinic and our strong community support group.  But this did not happen by luck - WE MADE THIS HAPPEN.   Through the hard work and commitment of families invested in the care of their loved ones with TS, we created the vision for the Clinic, raised money to show we were serious, and continue to this day to be a vital partner in all things TS in Colorado.

For those of you who have young children with TS or have been recently diagnosed, we hope you feel welcome and supported by both the community and the Clinic.

For those of you who have been with TS Colorado from the beginning, we hope you feel proud of what we have created.

For those of you who are not able to access the resources of the Clinic directly, know that having this program in Colorado has elevated care across the region.

In addition to providing opportunities for the community to connect and learn from each other, TS Colorado is also supporting new and exciting research through the Turner Syndrome Anxiety Project.  In the past, we have supported international symposiums and research conferences. Additionally, TS Colorado is a partner with Turner Syndrome Global Alliance, founder of the InsighTS Registry for research.  These research projects activities have the potential to directly improve care by integrating new information through our Clinic.

 Thank you for walking this journey with us.  TS Colorado exists because of individuals with TS and family members like you.  Together, we are working to build a healthier and brighter future for our loved ones living with Turner syndrome.

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