CCCC Homeless Contribution Tax Credit

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Catholic Charities of Central Colorado
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Gain a 25% state income tax credit, & support the mission of Catholic Charities of Central Colorado!


raised by 13 people

$75,000 goal

Support the Mission and Gain a State Income Tax Credit!

By donating $100+ specifically to Marian House or Family Connections programs at Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, a large part of your donation comes back to you in various tax credits and deductions. Donations to these specific programs qualify for the 25% Homeless Contribution Tax Credit (HCTC) 25%, which may be used on your Colorado state income taxes. Excess tax credits may be carried forward for up to 5 years.

Donations to these Catholic Charities programs qualify: Marian House programs, Family Connections programs, or Hunt Family Housing project.

For donors making their first HCTC donation with Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, the last four digits of SSN is required by the State in order to process your donation. Please call our team at (719) 866-6440 to learn how to provide this securely with your first donation.

For more information on the tax credit, or to make a qualified donation outside of this timeframe, please visit our organization website here.

Mission, Vision, Values

Mission:  In response to Jesus Christ's call to affirm the value and dignity of each human life, build solidarity within the community, and advocate for justice for the poor and vulnerable, Catholic Charities of Central Colorado humbly engages in the ministry of charity for those in both economic and spiritual poverty so that all - staff, volunteers, and clients - may fully achieve their God-given potential.

Vision:  We transform lives through relationships that build individual resiliency and thriving communities.

Values:  We pursue justice because of our belief in the life and dignity of the human person.  We bring justice and dignity to life through our values:  Trust, Love, Service, Solidarity, Boldness, and Grit.

Our Work

Catholic Charities offers services to help the most vulnerable in our community find hope and stability.  We focus on stopping homelessness before it happens through prevention and diversion.  However, anyone can access our services which include nutrition, housing, jobs, literacy, health, immigration, and more.  Together, we can make a difference in our communities.  As an agency, we continually add and redesign programs to meet the evolving needs of those we serve.  By developing staff, tracking current trends, working inter-departmentally, and collaborating with other agencies, we are in a better position to develop programs and raise the capacity to fill gaps in our community. 

Giving Activity


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