Lawson's Love

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Love for Lily
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Lawson’s Love provides a $250 gift card for families who have said goodbye to their babies too soon.


raised by 18 people

$3,000 goal

Update #2

Update posted 1 year ago

Our weighted Lawson bunny and his sisters matching loveys. 

Lawson is our third child and only son. We found out at our anatomy scan that he wasn't growing. We learned soon after that, at our specialist appointment, that his heart had stopped and that we would not be bringing him home. Sahra at Love for Lily was one of my first calls. I knew she would understand my questions, my anger, and my grief. She supported me and my family in ways that only another Mama who has lost a child could. She checked on me when I returned to work, as a perinatal bereavement coordinator, and has continued to coach me through living a life I never imagined but is one of my greatest honors. Love for Lily & their Camden & Friends bereavement program support the whole family. Daddies, Mommas, grandparents, siblings, etc. Our weighted bunny is one of the sweetest reminders that Lawson was real and the matching loveys for his sisters help me remember their special bond that can never be taken away. Some people may see a random priced gift card... I see and feel something different. Aaron and I randomly found a gift card tucked away in a care package the night we purchased our son's casket. I hoped it would cover the expedited shipping that was needed... it covered the entire cost ($235) and eliminated the words Infant Wooden Casket from being on my credit card statement. A purchase that was so traumatic became one of the most beautiful examples of community and love. THAT is what a Lawson's Love grant can do for a family. I know it's not the same excitement as supporting a NICU baby going home but I promise you it is a NICU miracle in its own extremely powerful way that will touch a family forever and can be the start of healing and hope.

Colorado Gives Foundation is dedicated to help nonprofits succeed and thrive. All donations given between Nov 1 - Dec 5 qualify for their incentives. This year Colorado Gives Day is December 5th... Lawson's 3rd birthday is December 4th. I can't think of a better way to celebrate him and the difference that he continues to make by the love he brought into this world.

This fundraiser supports

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Love for Lily

Organized By Aubrey Becker

Giving Activity


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