Why new plays?

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Local Theater Company
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Help us reach our goal of 150 donors by December 5. Every dollar counts!


raised by 3 people

$1,000 goal

Local Theater Company discovers and develops new plays and theatrical works? But why? 

Because recently an audience member at YOU ENJOY MYSELF, by Topher Payne wrote me and said, "I didn't know much about Phish or LGBTQ+ relationships, but this play built my understanding and compassion for people, thank you." 

Because every single time I step into a theater, or a classroom where we're using playwrighting practices to build literacy - I learn something new about myself and about the way I am connected to others. 

And at Local, we build plays from right where they are - the spark of an idea, a concept on a page, a middle schoolers first attempt at a monologue... plays develop from PEOPLE! We've all go so many stories. 


For a decade now I've supported Local (that's a photo of Char at less than a year old helping out with a mailer for the brilliant Meridith Friedman's play, The Firestorm) and am thrilled to be supporting their mission today. 

Whether you've been a Local since the beginning, or are just learning about us today, consider making a gift to support telling the stories of our evolving world.

This fundraiser supports

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Local Theater Company

Organized By Katherine Folkins

Giving Activity


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