Educate Her!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Women's Education Foundation
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Education is an investment into oneself. Help me make that accessible to Colorado Women!

3 donors

raised $400

250 donor goal

When I was a young girl, I was never really interested in school. Instead, I thought it was just something required of me as a child. As I grew up, I viewed education as a punishment - always creating hard problems and forcing me to find the solution. It wasn't until I was in college and had the opportunity to choose what I wanted to study. From there, my passion for knowledge and understanding grew! 

I am the first person in my family to graduate from college with a bachelor's degree. As you can see in my photo, the excitement it brought me to walk across that stage! I remember looking up to my mom and thinking, "we made it." It doesn't stop there! I went on to get my masters from Harvard University! An achievement that would have not been possible if it wasn't for the donations and scholarships I received! A higher education has the potential to break barriers and stop the cycle of poverty. My degrees have since changed the trajectory for my family. Generational curses end at the investment of knowledge and higher education. 

Will you help me in making this mission possible? You can do so by investing any dollar amount to help a Colorado Woman with their tuition and fees! 

This fundraiser supports

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Colorado Women's Education Foundation

Organized By Eboni Nash

Use of Funds

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