Rolling for goals and gainz for BT

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bikes Together
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Donate towards Bikes Together's awesome mission and in exchange I'll rollerskate and consume protein


raised by 28 people

$2,500 goal

For every $25 donated, I'll rollerskate 1 mile. For any donation of $25 over the goal ($2500) I'll skate a mile backwards! The whole effort will be done consecutively and fueled by nothing but hotdogs, hard-boiled eggs, and milk.

Back when I moved to Denver I was introduced to the awesome organization Bikes Together and quickly joined the cause as a board member. The organization is very much aligned with many things I (and YOU!) value.

Bikes Together uses recycled bicycles as a vehicle for equitable social change; collective and individual wellness; education and empowerment; and connection. Bikes Together envisions a world where bike access and education is equitable and where Denverites are connected, curious, joyful, safe on bicycles, and have agency over their own transportation.

Bikes Together values:
-Safety, comfort, accessibility, and self-sufficiency on the roads and in the shop
-Personal and environmental health 
-Creating a community of togetherness and inclusiveness by addressing barriers within bicycling and educating

This fundraiser supports

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Bikes Together

Organized By Emily Lessner

Giving Activity


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