Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado

A nonprofit organization

Please join with us in our continuing Promise to Care. Our united and collective effort will enable us to realize the vision that all Colorado children with language disorders will have the opportunity to receive treatment and care.


I recently attended my 7th graders English class to listen to his speech presentation. He went to the front of the classroom walking tall and calm. He clearly went over the information on his poster board for about 2 1/2 minutes. I asked him after if he was nervous and he said not really. His teacher commented on how loudly he spoke, he looked confident. I went home that night and relayed the experience to my husband.

It was only then that I remembered that my child used to could I forget?

From Kindergarten through 5th grade my child stuttered and worked with a speech therapist at school, we also took him to St. Mary's for therapy. Even though we both work full time and have good health insurance we were unable to pay the cost of St. Mary's Speech program, that's where your organization stepped in.

I cannot tell you the heartbreak of watching your child trying and failing to communicate with another person. The dejected look, the shame and the knowledge that he has to keep trying to make the other person understand him.

So thank you for the good work you do. You change lives....


The mission of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado is to enhance the quality of life for Colorado's children and their families by supporting high quality, collaborative programs for the prevention and treatment of childhood language disorders.

We provide sustaining grants to partner programs that offer speech, language, and learning therapy for children, parent education, and/or family and community language and literacy enrichment programs.

We support student and professional education and training in prevention and treatment of childhood language disorders.

Background Statement

In early 1952 a social worker at The Children's Hospital in Denver approached the Scottish Rite Masonic Fraternity in Denver requesting assistance for a young widowed mother who needed financial help in obtaining treatment for her 4-year-old son. The Scottish Rite Masons who followed up on this request were William G. Schweigert, 33°, Gerald L. Schlessman, 33°, and the Honorable Haslett P. Burke, 33°, Grand Cross, then a member of the Colorado Supreme Court.

Following a detailed investigation over several months these Scottish Rite Masons presented an organization proposal to the Scottish Rite membership for creation of a foundation which would be dedicated to the treatment of children with language disorders.

During a cold and snowy night on November 25, 1952, about 500 Scottish Rite Masons gathered in the Scottish Rite Consistory auditorium at 1370 Grant Street in Denver and approved creation of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado for the purpose of providing financial assistance for the treatment of childhood language disorders.

In 1953, 14 children were treated for language disorders at The Children's Hospital with Scottish Rite Foundation financial assistance. Currently, more than 1,000 children throughout the state of Colorado are annually receiving treatment for language disorders with the Foundation's financial assistance.

Organization Data


Organization name

Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Diseases, Disorders & Medical Disciplines

Organization Size

Medium Organization


1370 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US