Background Statement
Roots Family Center was incorporated as a Colorado Nonprofit in late 2016 to address an identified need in the Westwood, Barnum, and Barnum West neighborhoods in Southwest Denver. Denver Public Schools (DPS), Parent Possible (formerly Colorado Parent and Child Foundation), and other institutions have identified Southwest Denver as a critically under-served area in terms of serving Spanish-speaking families with young children. Specifically, 35% - 46% of young Spanish-speaking children are not ready to read by the end of first grade. Most young children in these neighborhoods have not been exposed to early childhood programs and as a result do not come to kindergarten with the necessary readiness skills.
In Fall, 2016, Roots founder, Crystal Muñoz, approached DPS and Parent Possible with the concept of implementing a home visitation program as a means for improving the readiness skills of young Spanish-speaking children 0 - 5 years of age. As a result, Roots Family Center was incorporated as a Colorado nonprofit, a founding board was put in place, and federal tax-exempt status was secured. In the short span of just over a year, over $300,000 was raised to start up the organization and begin providing Parents as Teachers (PAT) and Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) services. The program began operation in early Fall, 2017 and served have served a total of 89 families in their first 2 program years with 1502 home visits and 37 group connections. Currently 30 families are enrolled in PAT and 31 families enrolled in HIPPY. Both PAT and HIPPY programs have an extensive wait list.