Our approach to garden education helps students learn the importance of food systems, resource conservation and connects their knowledge through hands-on experiences.
What Students think of Garden Class:
"I'm usually a really picky eater, but I will eat anything that's from the garden." - 5th grade student from Dolores
"This is more fun than recess!" - 3rd grade student from Cortez while sifting soil
"I've always wanted to have a garden at home, I'm so glad that I get to come work in this one." - 2nd grade student from Mancos
"Where can I buy garden gloves? I want to put some in my backpack so I can help you guys in the garden at every recess." - 3rd grade student from Dolores while weeding
"I want to bring food home to my family from the garden so we eat fruits instead of candy." - 2nd grade student from Cortez
"I have only been here two and a half months, so I only had two classes, but my favorite class was the one we had today. I really liked the taste testing and looking for bugs. Best teachers, p.s. don't tell the other classes or teachers ever." - 3rd grade student from Mancos
What Teachers think of Garden Class:
"The benefits of garden class include better cross-curricular connections, more engagement with nature at recess, more excitement for being healthy and an overall better connection to nature. " - 4th grade teacher from Cortez
"Garden class is the easiest class to get all kids engaged. I've had incredibly high behaviors be sucked into lessons. I've had five different life skills students stay completely regulated and engaged in almost every single lesson. It's heartwarming and inspiring." - 3rd grade teacher from Cortez
"The school garden provides teachers with a wonderful outdoor classroom. This environment, as well as the hands-on learning provided by the garden staff, engages students who do not regularly engage in a traditional classroom." - Middle School Teacher from Montezuma County
"One of my students doesn't really do anything in class, not because of want, but because of his disability and he LOVES garden. The ladies asked him to create a seedling out of random stuff and how would that seed stick or spread. He did the best job of them all. " - 5th grade teacher from Mancos