
A nonprofit organization

The mission of Imagine! is to create a world of opportunity for all abilities. We believe in the potential of all!


"We loved our therapist! Not only did she do great work with our son, she was invaluable as a sounding board for my fears and concerns. She also did a tremendous job of explaining my son's development and exercises (reasons for doing them), teaching me how I could help him, and showing me what to look for."
Parent of a Child in Dayspring

"I like waking up for work every morning knowing that the members of the Imagine! team are inarguably motivated to do good things for good people. That is a beautiful assumption which I consider myself privileged to have."
Staff Member, Residential Services

"The many good people from Imagine! have done a tremendous job for me as caregivers, finding me a wonderful place to live, and helping me to find a job and volunteer work."

"I don't know where my son and I would be if we did not have the Autism Spectrum Disorders program. We will finally be getting the help we have needed for years. Because of Imagine!, Josh and I have hopes of a calmer and more peaceful life."
Parent of a child in the Autism Spectrum Disorders program

"Dawn has grown so much as a self confident young woman, and her self esteem and follow through with responsibility have been overwhelming. It never would have been possible without Pam's (Dawn's Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor) involvement, guidance, pursuit of this position , and her ability to see Dawn's potential."
Mother of an Individual in the Community and Employment program


The mission of Imagine! is to create a world of opportunity for all abilities.

Background Statement

Imagine! was established in 1963 as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing supports and services for individuals with developmental disabilities - disabilities that result from neurological impairments that hamper intellectual functioning.

Imagine! provides services designed to incorporate people with developmental, cognitive, and physical challenges into the fabric of their communities. Services include educational and therapeutic services, job training and placement, recreation and leisure activities, opportunities for community living, behavioral health services, technology solutions, and support for families.

In 2000, the Imagine! Foundation was established as a supporting 501(c)(3) organization that serves as Imagine!'s fundraising arm. All donations flow through the Foundation for processing and record-keeping purposes and then are given on a quarterly basis directly to Imagine!. However, all organizational information in this entry relates to Imagine!, which is the central organization and provider of services.

Organization Data


Organization name


other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


1400 Dixon Ave
Lafayette, CO 80026

Service areas

Boulder County, CO, US





Social Media