"Everyone has been so kind, courteous and helpful to my mom. From delivering hot meals to picking up her paper in the driveway to having a chat with her. We couldn't be more grateful for everyone's time and attention.
"Thank you for the years you delivered meals to my dad, Jimmie. He has moved over to assisted living at the Suites. He misses the faithful meal deliveries but is adjusting to his new life. Your meals improved his health and helped him to reach almost 97 years old in good health. Thank you for all you do." MaryBeth
From a sister of a MOW recipient: "Thanks for all you have done for my dear sister. She is eating well now."
From the son of a MOW client: "We can't thank you enough for what you have done for John. The nutritious food improved his health, visiting with the driver volunteers enriched his life, and the peace of mind to us was enormous....you made a big positive impact on his life, and we are deeply indebted."
From a MOW client: "MOW supplies me daily with wonderful meals brought by the happiest lovely people that brighten every day."
From a MOW client: "Thank you to all of you who take such good care of us. Great food, and friendly and caring volunteers who greet us five days a week. And for all who plan, coordinate and manage your endeavors.
From a MOW client's family: "Your meals on wheels made Jake's final year much nicer! He loved visiting with the wonderful volunteers, and I am sure the good food prolonged his life!"
From a MOW client: "Thank you all dear people with your generous hearts to help others!"
From a MOW client: "Thank you for the meals delivered to me at my home. The food was nourishing and tasty! All those that come to my home were friendly and always asked if I needed any errands to be done or how I was feeling. How generous of them!
To Meals on Wheels:
My name is Jane, my late mother received Meals on Wheels for many years and you all were just wonderful
. I recommended you to my elderly second cousin, who is 83 and lives alone here in Fort Collins.
He has wanted to remain independent and on his own since moving here about 15 years ago. Until about a year ago he has done well, but he is getting unsteady on his legs, has had a fall and is having back problems. He has never cooked much and has always eaten out. He is now unable to drive much (and shouldn't) with both his back pain and just the inabilities from his advanced years.
This lack of being able to get out and his history of no food preparations has cause him to just nibble here and there and not gotten the necessary nutrition he should have. I have encouraged him to contact Meals on wheels and he has dragged his feet just because he is so fiercely independent. But he has now decided to try!
Again, I appreciate all the years of love and service you all gave my mother. She thought so much of all of you and your kind services. You are truly a blessing to our seniors.
In appreciation and consideration,