ChildSafe Colorado, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$65,922 raised by 86 donors

100% complete

$50,000 Goal

No Child Should Have to Wait to Heal and Thrive

When survivors of child abuse walk through our doors, it is the beginning of a difficult journey to healing. While child abuse affects every victim differently, most feel confused, guilty, and afraid. ChildSafe is a place where survivors and their families feel safe, comfortable, and supported. Through expert therapy, support, and compassion, we help them to not only survive, but to thrive on their journey to healing and reach a point of recovery that will last.

We at ChildSafe are proud to provide treatment for all who need our services. We are committed to providing safe, responsive treatment, education, and recovery from childhood abuse, primarily sexual abuse, without prejudice or discrimination while respecting the personal dignity and worth of each individual.

We provide the most comprehensive, trauma-focused treatment to survivors of childhood abuse and neglect in northern Colorado. We work to repair the damage done to survivors, reduce the risk of re-victimization and prevent the cycle of abuse from carrying over into future generations.

And, please click on the Loveland tab above to learn about our plans to help more children and families in the coming year. With your help, we can make critical services available to more of our northern Colorado neighbors.

What Your Donations Provide

  • $10,000 - A full year of treatment for a family of four who were traumatized by sexual abuse and domestic violence. A family who receives treatment together can learn how to support one another and grow stronger together. 
  • $7,500 will pay for a full year of play therapy for three siblings, the youngest of whom is 3, who were abused by a family “friend”.
  • $5,000 helps fund group therapy. Groups help people know that they aren’t alone in their journey, and we have groups for all ages (elementary to adult).
  • $2,500 will pay for 20 sessions of therapy for an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse. The average age of disclosure is 52, and our oldest client is 85.
  • $1,000 provides sliding scale scholarships for 35 sessions of play therapy available to a sexually abused child as young as 2 years old.
  • $500 stocks our art room with the supplies needed to help children express themselves through art when they can't find the words.
  • $250 pays for 8 hours of parent coaching for parents who need advice, support, and education for parenting their traumatized children.
  • $100 buys a month's worth of healthy snacks and drinks for the children, so they are nourished and ready to make the most of their day.


"I moved to Fort Collins to escape domestic violence. I had always known that emotional abuse marred my marriage, but I had stayed because I thought it was best for my children. When my oldest disclosed that my husband was sexually abusing him, I knew I needed to protect my children. Their functioning had deteriorated to the point they did not want to go to school or play with children from the neighborhood. Other children were picking on them and bullying them, which was victimizing them again. Worst of all, they started to fight with each other. My heart was slowly breaking for them and for myself. I felt alone in this new city. In a sea of friendly people, beautiful places, and abundant activities, I felt that my family was unlovely.

"Out of desperation, I called ChildSafe. I found immediate warmth and welcoming that I previously had not known. My younger children started play therapy, my older children started an age-appropriate group, I joined a group for mothers of abused children, and we all participated in family therapy. Through the outstanding services at ChildSafe, my children and I were able to heal.

"My children now enjoy school and playing in the neighborhood. I found support and acceptance that has enabled me to become a better parent and feel better about myself. We are a different family today and, thanks to ChildSafe, we realize that we were actually lovely all along."

Giving Activity


Our mission is to break the cycle and heal the trauma resulting from childhood abuse and neglect with specialized treatment, education, and community outreach.

Background Statement

ChildSafe was formed in 1986 out of a need in our community for a comprehensive, coordinated approach to the problem of child sexual abuse. Previously, the response to victims and their families was fragmented and ineffective resulting in increased trauma and lack of protection for victims. ChildSafe began with treating 10 families with demand growing steadily over the years.

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

ChildSafe Colorado, Inc.

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Human Services, Public & Societal Benefit

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


2001 S Shields Street Bldg K
Fort Collins, CO 80526

Service areas

Larimer County, CO, US





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