Zen Center of Denver

A nonprofit organization

ZCD offers programs, classes and community outreach activities to Zen practitioners and individuals interested in Zen Buddhism. 


The purpose of the Zen Center of Denver is:

* To foster the teachings of Zen Buddhism.

* To train qualified people in its disciplines, practices and devotions.

* To provide suitable surroundings, instruction, and support for men and women undergoing Zen Buddhist training as determined by the Spiritual Director(s).

* To insure the continuing development of Zen Buddhism by the appointment of instructors and teachers as sanctioned by the Spiritual Director(s).

* To facilitate the extension of the Buddhist practice and realization of kindness, compassion, goodwill and equanimity into the larger community through engaged Buddhist practice and by bringing a spiritual and moral perspective to the heart of social, economic, political, and environmental debate.

Background Statement

The Zen Center of Denver (ZCD) is a lay Buddhist community that was founded in Denver in 1974. Our mission is to provide Zen practice and training to all those who wish to uncover their innate wisdom and compassion and live with greater awareness in everyday life. Community outreach is also a central part of our mission; members of the ZCD community work throughout the local Denver community, and ZCD teachers provide reduced-cost meditation and mindfulness programs that are open to all. ZCD has also been an affiliate member of Zen Peacemakers International since 2022.

ZCD is housed in a beautiful temple at 1856 S. Columbine Street, a place of beauty, peace and refuge. ZCD offers Denver something unique--a true Zen temple in the heart of the city, and a unique landmark and lasting cultural institution devoted to the cultivation of peace and understanding in our daily lives.

Zen Master Dogen said, "One should give even a single coin or a single blade of grass - it causes roots of goodness in this age and other ages to sprout." Please consider supporting the programs and community at ZCD.

Organization Data


Organization name

Zen Center of Denver

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization


1856 S. Columbine St.
Denver, CO 80210

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US