Youth Empowerment Broadcasting Organization

A nonprofit organization

$4,489 raised by 28 donors

45% complete

$10,000 Goal


YEBO strengthens personal empowerment and enhances social connections by creating safe spaces for storytelling. Your donation will directly support our work with BIPOC-identifying youth, adults, and organizations to address the prevalence of loneliness and hopelessness in our communities.  

Your gift, no matter the size, helps us to expand our storytelling programs across Colorado while ensuring community members find healing and purpose by sharing their powerful voices and perspectives.  

Healing & Empowerment Through Storytelling 

YEBO uses research-based approaches to address the "Social and Community Context" among the five key social determinants of health, acknowledging the link between social ties and psychosocial well-being. Our model harnesses the transformative power of storytelling to strengthen relationships and foster belonging in BIPOC communities. We build our storytelling experience on intergenerational collaboration, social and emotional learning, and media creation. 

Why storytelling?

     - Sharing stories cultivate positive emotions, shapes self-perception, and fuels personal growth.

     - Listening to stories triggers oxytocin release, enhancing empathy and inclusivity.

     - Sharing and listening to stories aid identity development and pass down cultural knowledge.

Impact Testimonials 

“YEBO is healing the relationship between youth and adults in our communities.” - Isaura Maria (former YEBO participant and current staff member)

“The experience was more that I ever would've expected it to be. It was welcoming, safe, and rehabilitating.” - Kathe (Storyteller)

“The beauty in the mundane was so evident tonight. This made me think differently about my own story and what I value. Appreciate you all for putting this on.” - Sam (Audience Member)

“This experience helped me find important aspects of my family history.” - Efren (Storyteller)

“For my college applications, I was more worried about what other people would think about me. But with YEBO, this was the first time I told my story unscripted. I was telling the story for me. It was cool to remember things I went through before I came here [to the USA] because I never actually think about that often.” - Alejandra (Storyteller)

“I was inspired by the courage of people, especially young people, to step up and share their stories even though it’s so vulnerable! Damn!” - Anonymous (Audience Member)


YEBO promotes personal and communal well-being in BIPOC communities by creating spaces for sharing and listening to stories. We envision communities where youth and adults forge meaningful, healthy relationships through storytelling to find healing and purpose.

Background Statement

YEBO’s current statewide storytelling initiative is called Mission 1477.

Mission 1477 grew from the year our CEO and founder, Cory Montalvo, served as a dean of students at a school in Five Points, Denver. That year alone, teachers sent students to be disciplined to Cory’s office 1,477 times.

In response, Cory started a comic book club where Black boys told each other stories about overcoming challenges at school by reimagining themselves as superheroes. The club evolved into a space for Cory to build deep, healthy relationships with students experiencing a disconnection from their peers and teachers, eventually helping them find healing and joy through storytelling and comic book creation.

Today, YEBO cultivates spaces where BIPOC-identifying youth and adults across Colorado share and listen to stories to create stronger social connections and a sense of belonging in their communities.

Mission 1477 represents the number of stories YEBO will publish over the next six years to center and celebrate the voices and experiences of these communities. Each story exists as an opportunity to transform those 1,477 traumatic instances during Cory's year as a dean into moments of authenticity, self-determination, and community.

Through voice, we live!

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Organization Data


Organization name

Youth Empowerment Broadcasting Organization

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Arts, Culture & Humanities, Youth Development, Public & Societal Benefit

Organization Size

Small Organization


DENVER, CO 80205

Service areas


Denver, CO, US

Lakewood, CO, US

Antonito, CO, US, 81120

Aurora, CO, US

Social Media