Women in Film and Media Colorado

A nonprofit organization

10% complete

$10,000 Goal

Uniting, educating, and empowering women media makers and their community.

WIFMCO is a non-profit organization composed of women and men in all areas of the Colorado film, television, and media industry, with a focus on advancing women in these fields.

We connect women.

Across the state, our monthly events help develop new skills that advance women in their careers. Members meet and network with a variety of Colorado film and media makers at our events.


Women in Film & Media Colorado (WIFMCO) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and achievement of women, transgender, and non-binary media makers working in all areas of screen-based media. We provide resources, grants, networking, education, programming, professional development and access to a diverse community of creators in film, media, television, and advertising. WIFMCO, founded in 2016, is Colorado’s chapter of WIFTI and WIFTUS, global and national organizations with more than 10,000 members.

Background Statement

WIFMCO was created in 2016 as the Colorado branch of WIFT-US which stands for Women in Film & Television United States. We established our 501(c)3 status in 2017. The overall organizational membership is 10,017 members. Colorado currently makes up 185 of those members.

Organization Data


Organization name

Women in Film and Media Colorado

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Education, Arts, Culture & Humanities, Community Improvement & Capacity Building, Public & Societal Benefit, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Mutual & Membership Benefit, Youth Development

Organization Size

Small Organization


DENVER, CO 80209

Service areas


Social Media