Westside CARES

A nonprofit organization

$51,740 raised by 26 donors

52% complete

$100,000 Goal

Westside CARES (WSC) is all about growing hope, offering true compassion and a listening ear to every neighbor that walks through our doors, reaches out by phone, or sends a desperate email.

Since our inception in 1984, Westside CARES has been unwavering in its commitment to providing a robust menu of services for our neighbors. We recognize that someone experiencing housing instability of any kind may also be grappling with mental health or medical issues, may also be facing food insecurity, may also struggle with transportation, may also have trouble keeping the heat on or having weather-appropriate clothing, may also not have a safe place to receive their mail. We proudly offer all these services, and more, because we know that poverty is intersectional—it usually does not impact just one facet of someone’s life. And to offer each of these supports under one roof creates the conditions that we can address the whole person, in a way that does not compound their trauma. This is why your donation supports 100% of our programs, and every one of the 10,000 neighbors we see each year.

WSC is all about stabilizing and supporting those in need so they can achieve long term sustainability. We have a mighty force of 361 volunteers who provided 21,270 hours of service in 2022 to make this happen. Hours and volunteers alone cannot provide all the resources we need. It takes donors. We invite you to walk beside us. 

In 2022, Westside CARES provided:

  • 528 households with rental assistance so they could avoid homelessness
  • 300 neighbors were assisted with housing navigation; 25 of those now have permanent housing
  • 182 households were assisted with LEAP or PROJECT COPE by us
  • 576 neighbors received IDs, birth certificates and/or school records enabling them to seek employment opportunities
  • 3,082 were provided with necessary clothing
  • 26,036 households were given a four days supply of food
  • 264 neighbors were assisted with SNAP services
  • 11,000 neighbors walked through the doors of Westside CARES to pick-up their mail, a delicious snack bag or seek meaningful supportive services
  • 3,279 neighbors requesting help spoke with a live person via phone 
  • 600 school children started out the school year with new backpacks filled with age appropriate supplies
  • 104 families had a truly thankful Thanksgiving when they received their bountiful Thanksgiving Basket
  • 56 families were blessed with a joy-filled Christmas
  • 7 recently housed neighbors enjoyed the healthy and nutritious bounty of their very own Victory Garden through a mentoring program designed to provide them with the materials to grow their own produce and flowers
  • 1,340 round trip bus tickets were provided to neighbors needing to get to job interviews, work commitments or medical appointments
  • 468 neighbors received gas cards to keep them going
  • 6 neighbors were helped with vehicle insurance, registration or repairs to keep them on the road
  • 15 neighbors were reunited with out-of-state family members

Through our collaboration with Penrose-St. Francis Faith Community Nurses—

  • 449 neighbors were seen at the Westside CARES onsite clinic
  • 46 neighbors received vaccinations
  • 36 prescription were filled with co-pays paid
  • 46 neighbors received necessary dental care
  • 108 neighbors now see better with their new glasses

A community or village is only as strong as its weakest link. It truly takes a “village”. Westside CARES invites you to partner with us to stabilize and support those in need so that they can reach a point of sustainability in their lives. Together we can work to restore the dignity and honor that all human beings deserve. 

We thank you for choosing to be a part of our beloved community. 

Colorado has changed the Enterprise Zone Credit. Westside CARES is part of the HOMELESS INCOME TAX CREDIT. It operates the same as the Enterprise Zone Credit, just with a different title. Please contact Westside CARES if you need additional information: email us at info@westsidecares.org or give us a call, 719-389-0759.

Giving Activity


Westside CARES provides care and compassion to our neighbors in need

Background Statement

In 1983 the County Poor Farm was closed. A collaboration of 21 interfaith, nonprofit religious fellowships from the westside of Colorado Springs came together to provide care and compassion for their economically fragile neighbors in need of emergency services. Many consider Westside CARES to be their beloved community where they are valued and heard.

Organization Data


Organization name

Westside CARES

other names

Westside Cares Inc

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services, Housing & Shelter, Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Health Care

Organization Size

Large Organization



Service areas

Colorado Springs, CO, US

Fort Carson, CO, US

Manitou Springs, CO, US, 80829

Green Mountain Falls, CO, US

Cascade-Chipita Park, CO, US



Social Media