The Village Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that was formed with the mission to transform the way we teach Inclusivity, Belonging, and Equity (IBE) throughout the United States, with a goal to be recognized globally.
At our company, we take immense pride in our commitment to creating and distributing research-based, developmentally informed Inclusivity, Belonging, and Equity programs/products designed to serve preschool through grade 12 students across the United States and its territories. Our programs are not only rooted in research but are also crafted with the explicit purpose of assisting all children in building healthy self-images and fostering acceptance of others. This acceptance extends to children from diverse backgrounds, encompassing differences in race, gender, religion, sexual identity, family construct, and children with disabilities. By embracing our approach, we aim to disrupt the maturation of biases and provide the essential social-emotional scaffolding that children need to thrive and flourish. We believe in creating a brighter, more inclusive future for all children, and our programs are just one step towards achieving this goal.
The Villiage Ltd. is a non-secetarian and nonpolitical organization.