Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

A nonprofit organization

Water quality in Ouray County and our downstream neighbors is degraded by pollution from abandoned mine wastes, and periods of drought threaten our ranches and environment. Please support UWP as we and our partners continue our hard work to address these issues.

UWP celebrated our 10th anniversary as a nonprofit in 2023, and we completed a strategic planning process to identify and plan projects that will restore and preserve the Upper Uncompahgre River Watershed into the future.


"Congratulations on 10 years of good work, and all the people that have shown their care." - Camille Price, formerly with the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

"UWP can be proud of the legacy they have worked hard at creating in mine remediation in the San Juan Mountains." - Jeff Litteral, Colorado Division of Mining, Reclamation and Safety

"Thank you, UWP, and all the volunteers and sponsors at Love Your Gorge. What a wonderful event - so much accomplished with the great turn-out!" - Frank Robertson, Ouray Ice Park Board Member

"As a River Watch volunteer, I am excited to be involved in an endeavor that is important to our community and the environment. I feel so fortunate to have met, and to be working with the four other members of my River Watch team with UWP, as well as all great people doing great things!" - UWP Citizen Scientist Ronna Edgett-Underwood


The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership exists to help protect the natural, scenic, and economic values of the Upper Uncompahgre River Watershed.  The Partnership works to inform and engage all stakeholders and solicits input from diverse interests to ensure collaborative restoration efforts in the watershed.

Background Statement

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP) was created in spring 2007, when regional groups and concerned citizens applied for a watershed-planning grant. In 2013, UWP became a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to understanding, restoring and protecting land and natural resources within the Uncompahgre Watershed. In less than a decade, UWP has led and participated in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of projects improving and protecting watershed resources though partnerships with a grassroots coalition of citizens, nonprofits, local and regional governments, and federal and state agencies. We have also been active in educating the community about water ecology and promoting awareness of watershed issues and facts.

Organization Data


Organization name

Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


133 N. Lena Ste 3A
Ridgway, CO 81432


PO Box 392
Ridgway, CO 81432

Service areas

Ouray County, CO, US



Social Media