The Veterans Center

A nonprofit organization

$905 raised by 6 donors

0% complete

$200,000 Goal

Who We Are

The Veterans Center is a Colorado nonprofit corporation formed to pay tribute to our military services members, past and present, and the rich legacy they have left us.  The Veterans Center's purpose is to serve veterans, their generational family members, local community members, and visitors in Northwestern Colorado by maintaining a prominent location in Steamboat Springs where all can celebrate a legacy of service to our country, concern for our veterans and commitment to our community. 

Our Mission

To provide a welcoming place for members of the armed forces, past and present, and their families, community members, visitors, and those persons needing assistance in accessing community resources, financial support, and community education opportunities; and for those seeking social interaction, encouragement, and physical and emotional support.

The Opportunity

Due to extensive smoke damage caused in December 2019 from a fire in an adjoining business, the historic Schubring-Cruse VFW Post #4264 building was unusable for for over four years.

Our Plan

The Veterans Center is renovating the historic VFW building located at 924 Lincoln Avenue, which will then become a central resource center for veterans and active duty military personnel and their families to:

  • Provide a connection to essential medical, rehabilitative, and mental health resources,
  • Assist with applications for veteran benefits, and
  • Provide emergency financial assistance.  

Additionally, The Veterans Center will periodically sponsor workshops, seminars, training events, fitness and veterans yoga classes, PTSD counseling, presentations and other educational and outreach programs, and activities to support and address the needs of service members and military families, while also raising awareness of the unique issues and challenges they face during military service and successful transition to civilian life.

The Gift

In July 2023, the Schubring-Cruse VFW Post #4264 transferred ownership of their building located at 924 Lincoln Avenue to The Veterans Center.  The Veterans Center accepted ownership and the responsibility for the ongoing and continuing repair and restoration of the historic and venerable, 123-year-old brick building, which has served as the home of the VFW Post since 1948.

Our First Priority

The Veterans Center is historically renovating and revitalizing the building to make it a more attractive and vibrant place for over 1,300 Routt County veterans, as well as the community at large.   The building will then become a central resource center for veterans and active duty military personnel and their families.  Construction began July 5, 2024, with an anticipated completion date of May 31, 2025.

 Those We Serve

There are three (3) veterans organizations serving an estimated population of over 3,800 veterans who live in Northwest Colorado:

  • Routt County Veterans Services Officer
  • Schubring-Cruse VFW Post #4264
  • American Legion Leo Hill Post #44

Number of Veterans in Northwest Colorado Counties

  • Routt County:        1,319
  • Moffat County:         820
  • Grand County:       1,104
  • Jackson County:      129
  • Rio Blanco County:  423

Our Activities

After the renovation, The Veterans Center will be seen as a central location for assistance that any veteran might need, including medical and mental health referrals, even if that help is simply a safe place to connect and visit with other veterans who have had similar military experiences.

  • Provide a connection to essential medical, rehabilitative, and mental health resources.
  • Assist with applications for veteran benefits.
  • Emergency financial assistance.
  • Periodically sponsor workshops, seminars, training events, fitness and veterans yoga classes, PTSD counseling, presentations and other educational and outreach programs and activities to support and address the needs of service members and military families, while also raising awareness of the unique issues and challenges they face during military service and successful transition to civilian life.  

Tax Credits

  • The Veterans Center has received IRS 501c3 non-profit tax-exempt status.
  • Enterprise Zone Tax Credits are available and will provide qualifying donors a 25% tax credit. 
  • The goal of the current capital campaign is to raise $3.2 million to fund the historical renovation of the building through the pursuit of local and state-wide grants as well as private and community fundraising.
  • Additionally, the plan includes selling qualifying Colorado Historic Preservation Tax Credits, up to 35% of construction costs, to fund ongoing operating expenses, which will provide operating funds for several years.

We Need Your Help

Your donation will go directly to The Veterans Center, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  

All gifts and donations are tax deductible within the limits of the law.  


To provide a welcoming place for members of the armed forces, past and present, and their families, community members, visitors, and those persons needing assistance in accessing community resources, financial support, and community education opportunities; and for those seeking social interaction, encouragement, and physical and emotional support.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Veterans Center

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Military & Veterans Organizations

Organization Size

Large Organization


PO BOX 771234

Service areas






Social Media