Teller Elementary School PTA

A nonprofit organization

Fundraising efforts help Teller Elementary fill the gap between what we want for our kids and what is provided by our current Denver Public Schools budget. Our annual goal is $135,000 to avoid eliminating vital programs that contribute to a well-rounded education for all of our students.


"Nothing makes me feel more grateful toward our educators, and those who make Teller a wonderful place, than spending lots of two-on-one time with my boys over spring break. Kids are a handful! So THANK YOU to every teacher who works tirelessly to help our children learn (for very little compensation). Thank you to Ms. Bartos (who managed to teach my 2nd grader to play the recorder, THE RECORDER!). Thank you to the office staff (Dee and Richard that bell would drive me nuts!), thank you to the reading interventionists, the GT coordinators and the art department. Thank you to the PTA for all your VOLUNTEERISM and for making sure we have amazing programs at Teller. Thank you to the parents who started the Chess Club (Teller has medaled in 2 tournaments!). Thank you to Sabrina and Abe for your leadership (I loved hearing about all the grants you secured for our scholars at the most recent CSC meeting). Thank you to Ms. Catrina and the lunch crew. Thank you Mr. Lingerfield for getting our kids to burn some energy. Thank you to Vanessa for your library program. We shouldn't forget the MANY people who DO SO MUCH with SO little. Colorado continuously ranks at the bottom of the list when it comes to per pupil spending (approx. $2,200 below the national average) and teacher pay (Did you know the average teacher spends $630 on classroom school supplies, that's a total of almost 23 MILLION when all of our state's teachers are combined! Yikes, that sucks). A nice piece of legislation recently passed so hopefully that will help alleviate some of our district's financial burdens. Let's all be part of the solution to make our favorite elementary school thrive. Get involved in the PTA, attend a CSC meeting, volunteer your time, sign up for Simply Giving, serve as a classroom parent and finally - if you have an issue please raise it in the proper forum, with an eye towards proposing creative solutions. What's that saying? It takes a village. I always tell my kids to be "thoughtful problem solvers" and they get their cues from the adults around them. We need to lead the way..." Batya Stepleman 3-30-18


The purpose of the Teller Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is to promote the welfare and highest advantages in physical, mental, & social education for all Teller Elementary's children through:

• Building cooperative relationships and foster a sense of community and engagement between parents, families, school administration, and teachers through educational opportunities and community events.

• Developing fundraising programs that contribute to resourcing a well-rounded education which includes supplementing the funds Teller Elementary receives from Denver Public Schools.

• Advocating for adequate laws for the care and protection of children and Colorado School funding.

Background Statement

Teller Elementary is a diverse community comprised of engaged students, committed parents, dedicated teachers, staff and leaders, and the support of surrounding community. We all work together to help our students and to make Teller one of the best schools in Denver.

Organization Data


Organization name

Teller Elementary School PTA

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


1150 Garfield St.
Denver, CO 80206

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US





Social Media