Our work enhances the safety and justice for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault through advocacy, direct services, legal advocacy, mental health services, safe house sheltering, short term emergency sheltering, rental assistance, transitional housing, and outreach and education.
That awful night my boyfriend hit me again and I called the police. After he was arrested, the police officer asked if I needed an Advocate. What is that? I thought. I said "yes" only because I felt lonely. I have nobody up here and now with my boyfriend gone, I would really be alone. He isn't perfect, but he's all I had at the time. As the police were finishing up, my cell phone rang. Who could it be? I had already forgotten my request earlier that night. A friendly voice on the other line said she was calling from the Advocates. She asked if I was okay, asked what happened and told me I did the right thing by calling the police. She was warm and comforting and I opened up to her. I explained how it was that I decided to move here and told her about my family and about my background. I must have went on forever, but for the first time in a long time I was talking to somebody that really cared. The Advocate even thanked me for sharing all these things with her. After I hung up with her, I didn't feel alone. I felt a sense of security and believed the next day to come would be better. I listened to her advice and called the office that week. The Advocates helped me with a lot of things I needed and even some I hadn't thought about. I now go to counseling and have a real support network. I still feel relieved when I think about the comfort that phone call gave me that night. It was exactly what I needed.
Donors from last year helped this individual with counseling and rental assistance.
When I got home that morning I couldn't go back to sleep. I felt groggy, dirty, tired, sad and mad. I knew it was rape. He had raped me. Panicked, I called the doctors office. I couldn't dial the numbers right on my phone, that is how frantic and shaky I was. Finally I got through. I didn't know what else to say so I said I wanted to see a doctor for STD's. I must have sounded frantic because the receptionist on the other line asked what had happened and if I was okay, I broke down crying. That girl gave me the number to the Advocates and in a few minutes I was at the hospital waiting for a SANE nurse to come get me for an exam. I had an Advocate by my side the entire time. I was able to calm down enough to explain to her what happened. All the while I heard words of support and reassurance that I I had done nothing wrong. What felt like hours later and after having the SANE exam I came out to the lobby and my Advocate was still there. She drove me back to the office, and we talked some more. Only after I said I felt better and after we came up with a plan to call a counselor and her getting me the information I needed, did we part ways. I told my Advocate that while I was in my exam it felt so good to know I had a non-judgmental person waiting for me outside. I am now going to counseling and I feel better. I know I will never be the same, but I am okay with who I at this moment. Thank you to the Advocates.
Donors from last year helped this individual with counseling.
[Translated from Spanish to English 2011]. When I first came to the Advocates I was desperate for any help I could get. My husband had just kidnapped my two beautiful children and I had gone to everyone I could think of for help. I am not from this country, I speak only Spanish and I never learned to read or write. In fact, I never went to school. I grew up seeing my father beat my mother to the point that she was black from all the bruises. Where I am from women tend to their homes and their men. We women "carry our cross" meaning our husbands are our cross to bear and no matter what, we must carry it like Jesus carried his cross. That was true for me until I had no choice but to leave my husband after many beatings and physical abuse. I took my kids with me. I left my family in Mexico one weekend and I regret that decision to this very day.
Advocates helped me with counseling, guiding me through the court process and international petition necessary to plea for the return of my children. Advocates supported my going to school and I am learning to read and write in English and Spanish! I feel so empowered and I long for the now not so distant dream of being reunited with my children. I will make a big party and invite all my friends and my community to celebrate our freedom from this man. I visit the Advocates every week and know all the staff. Thank you for your help, I say it every time I am there and will be forever grateful.