Springs Recovery Connection

A nonprofit organization

SRC is the region's "Welcome Center to Recovery." Using innovative approaches unavailable anywhere else in our area, SRC offers fresh hope to individuals and families struggling with substance use disorders through Peer Recovery Support services.


"Springs Recovery Connection has given me a home to learn, develop and flourish with other recovery minded people that show me how to have unconditional hope, belief and trust in themselves and each other. A place to make purpose out of errors and to be of service to myself, to others, and to our community." - Charlene

"I have been on a long and challenging road to maintain sobriety and I must say involvement with SRC has been a crucial and beneficial part of that quest. I have been sober ever since." - Jayme S.


Spring Recovery Connection's mission is to strengthen the recovery community through peer-to-peer, family support, public education and advocacy.

Background Statement

Springs Recovery Connection (SRC) was founded in 2014 by Cathy Plush, to address the lack of support for those suffering from substance use disorder and their families. SRC is one of more than 150 national Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) dedicated to supporting drug and alcohol sufferers, with peer support programs alongside multiple agencies in Colorado Springs. SRC's mission is to strengthen the recovery community through peer-to-peer, family support, public education and advocacy and it has grown exponentially since its creation in 2014. Peer recovery support services purposefully promote engagement in the recovery process and reduce relapse once recovery has been initiated. Services are designed and delivered by peers-persons who have experienced a substance use disorder and recovery-relaying a powerful message of hope, and experiential knowledge. Recovery support services are the missing link in the continuum of care for those suffering from substance use disorders.

Addiction is at the root of many of our social issues. There is also widespread misunderstanding of the disease, and a lack of focused, directed support for those in recovery. Recovery support services are the missing link in the continuum of care for those suffering from substance use disorders. SRC uses innovative, evidence-based approaches not available anywhere else in our area to support all roads to recovery. We work to demystify addiction through public awareness and education opportunities to the community about the disease and the reality of long-term recovery. Peer Recovery coaches are change agents, using innovations in customer experience, technology, and data to deliver personalized health coaching that transforms the lives of people impacted by addiction.

Organization Data


Organization name

Springs Recovery Connection

other names


Year Established



Mental Health & Crisis Intervention

Organization Size

Large Organization


1930 W Colorado Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80904


1930 W Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs , CO 80904


1930 W Colorado Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Service areas

El Paso County, CO, US



Social Media