Speak Our Minds Ending the Youth Mental Health Crisis

A nonprofit organization

7% complete

$100,000 Goal

Every other entity in the youth mental health space is focused too narrowly to end this crisis. We must build a system of care to address this overwhelming situation facing our nation. Speak Our Minds is connecting all the dots and bringing together the people and organizations that have the muscle to fix this. This includes providers, payors, parents, experts, elected officials and business entities. We are the place where it all comes together. 


We are committed to the mental health and wellbeing of all children and to building a society where kids can access the mental health care they need, when they need it.

Background Statement

In 2021, 130 national partners joined together to declare a national emergency for youth mental health, which led to a heightened level of public awareness and action on the subject of youth mental health, through the Sound the Alarm For Kids campaign.

With massive success in sounding the alarm, reaching millions with our message, it was time to advance the work and put that message into action. Speak Our Minds: Ending the Youth Mental Health Crisis is the next iteration of Sound the Alarm for Kids and is a newly formed 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to building a comprehensive system of youth mental healthcare.

Organization Data


Organization name

Speak Our Minds Ending the Youth Mental Health Crisis

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Community Improvement & Capacity Building

Organization Size

Small Organization


DENVER, CO 80237

Service areas




Social Media