Southeast Health Group

A nonprofit organization

$3,963 raised by 32 donors

79% complete

$5,000 Goal

Southeast Health Group is currently expanding services in our new Rocky Ford location, at the corner of Main Street and Hwy 50.  The new resource mall will offer peer support services, vocational training, mental health counseling, substance use disorder treatment, massage therapy, a barbershop, food and clothing pantries, and the T-Shirt Palace social enterprise.  It is also home to the Coffee Break Project, a resource center for the agricultural community.  This project was designed by our Rocky Ford Advisory Committee, responding to concerns about homeless, heroin and hunger in downtown Rocky Ford.  We need your help to complete the renovations, making services more accessible to people in and around Rocky Ford.  


During the 2021-22 fiscal year, SHG served 2642 unique individuals with behavioral health problems, 356 individuals for Primary Care services, 637 for physical therapy, and 10 for vocational training.  We dispatched a crisis worker to conduct 399 evaluations.  The Withdrawal Management Unit served 172 unique individuals.  The ATU served 55 individuals.  The Transitional Residential Treatment program (TRT) served 28 individuals.  Thirty (30) individuals received respite care.  SHG serves the entire southeast corner of the State of Colorado, including Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero & Prowers counties.


Southeast Health Group's mission is to provide exceptional health care services to the communities of southeast Colorado.

Background Statement

Since 1957, Southeast Health Group has been serving the counties of Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers in the southeast corner of the state. As a private, nonprofit organization, we offer mental health counseling, psychiatric care, substance use disorder treatment, physical therapy, vocational training, peer support, school-based services, and comprehensive wellness services. In recent years, we have expanded to include a withdrawal management unit for people who are intoxicated and suicidal, transitional residential treatment, acute mental health treatment and a sober living residence. We operate two social enterprise businesses for the purpose of vocational training and job placement. In 2022, we have expanded our services at a resource mall in Rocky Ford.

Organization Data


Organization name

Southeast Health Group

other names

SHG, Southeast Mental Health Services

Tax id (EIN)



Health Care


711 Barnes Ave.
La Junta, CO 81050

Service areas

Otero County, CO, US





Social Media