Soul 2 Soul Sisters

A nonprofit organization

$29,603 raised by 84 donors


To actualize liberation for all through Black healing and joy.


Soul 2 Soul Sisters (S2SS) serves all Black women, girls, femmes, and gender expansive beings (referred to as Black Beloveds). 

While our primary target population is Black Beloveds in Colorado and the Denver Metro area, specifically, our virtual programming has expanded our reach and increased our action nation-wide and even globally, reassuring us that this is a great need for Black Beloveds everywhere.


Black Healing, Health, and Joy: Soul 2 Soul Sisters strives to embody and model life-nourishing ways to honor and center Black beloved’s individual & communal healing journeys, address disparities in health, and advocate for Black Beloveds’ right to make decisions about our lives, bodies, and futures.

Black Civic Engagement, Policy, & Advocacy: BCEP is a Black-led, non-partisan program that is committed to advocating for the dismantling of anti-Black oppression within institutions – the legislature, ballot box, and beyond through grassroots leadership development, legislative programming, digital organizing for Black constituents, and finally voter and legislative guides.   

Racial & Economic Justice: REJ: deeply rooted in our love-based revolution, our racial and economic justice programming empowers communities to dismantle systemic inequalities and build a more equitable world. We are dedicated to amplifying Black liberation by championing transformative policies and initiatives that address the unique challenges faced by Black communities through  grassroots activism, community-driven economic development, equitable access to resources to ensure that every individual has the opportunity to thrive.|

Communications & Storytelling: Our communications is divine Black Girl Magic and medicine for the soul. It is interwoven into all of Soul 2 Soul Sisters’ work aiming to make our love-based revolution irresistible.  We amplify Black voices, tapping into our Black Beloved community’s rich oral traditions, and provide space for Black Beloveds to share their testimonies in evolving mediums like social media, press engagements, and creative outlets like poetry and documentaries. 


Our team consists of 11 Black women, femmes, and gender expansive beings and together, we are committed to living out our love-based values personally and professionally; these along with our womanist principles, guide everything that we do. Read more about our story here:

Accountability: We uphold an ethic of understanding and a standard of honesty that begins with a process of self-reflection and cultivates being personally responsible for our own words, choices, and actions within community, regardless of intention. 

Liberatory: We move in authenticity and with power toward a framework that supports embodied decision making, engages imagination, and embraces the reality where Black Beloveds are free. 

Spiritual: We honor the connection between the Divine in self  and all living beings with an understanding of the expansiveness and abundance that resides in each of us and connects us to one another. 

Rest: We believe in an intentional and easeful act of restoring our minds, bodies, and spirits to our own essence & asé that allows for connection to our whole selves. 

Joy: We embody a sacred act and deep love that is rooted in connection that radiates pleasure, play, and inspires us to chase and nurture those things that make us feel full. We delight in our very own spiritual sunlight, inner glow, giggles, and our lives, fully. 



Soul 2 Soul Sisters’™ love-based revolution centers Black liberation as a response to anti-Black violence through eradicating white supremacy, actualizing reparations as healing & economic justice, building Black political power, and advocating for Black beloveds’ right to make decisions about our lives, bodies, and futures.

Background Statement

Soul 2 Soul Sisters is a grassroots, racial justice nonprofit organization that was founded in 2015 during a time of deadly encounters between Black people and law enforcement, and the subsequent rise of the Movement for Black Lives. Co-founders, Rev. Dr. Tawana Davis and Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval birthed Soul 2 Soul Sisters to be a Black Women-centered, love-based response to anti-Black violence in the United States of America. Today, our organization is evolving and thriving as we work to honor and protect Black Women, femmes, and gender expansive being’s lives through our holistic programming.

Organization Data


Organization name

Soul 2 Soul Sisters

other names

S2SS, Soul 2 Soul

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Organization Size

Large Organization


c/o Institute for Racial Equity and Excellence 2821 S. Parker Road Suite 1115
Aurora, CO 80014


P.O. Box 7632
Denver, CO 80207

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US



Social Media