Southwest Improvement Council

A nonprofit organization

$2,498 raised by 11 donors

25% complete

$10,000 Goal

Southwest Improvement Council, more commonly known as SWIC, is dedicated to enhancing the lives of all Southwest Denver residents.  With a focus on improving quality of life, we have always adapted to the changing demographics and needs of the neighborhoods we serve.  Our goal is to address challenges with an equity lens and be an active participant, along with other like-minded organizations, in finding solutions.  Two of the most important challenges facing our community today are the increasing number of older adults age 60+ and the affordable housing shortage.  We are committed to preserving culture, assisting older adults in aging in place and making home ownership attainable for all, as we continue to improve the quality of life in Southwest Denver.


Our mission is to empower individuals, improve the quality of life and advance human rights by addressing inequities in the communities we serve in Southwest Denver.

Background Statement

Southwest Improvement Council was founded by Jan Marie Bell to serve and meet the needs of the many diverse populations that exist within the neighborhoods of Southwest Denver. With an intense focus on improving the quality of life in these communities, Jan held the premise that lives truly can be improved when “people help people”. Over the past 35 years, SWIC has grown and evolved alongside its neighbors, always recognizing, and embracing the changing demographics and needs of those it seeks to serve.

Organization Data


Organization name

Southwest Improvement Council

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Medium Organization


5045 W 1st Avenue
Denver, CO 80219

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US



