Restoration River Ranch

A nonprofit organization

$154 raised by 4 donors

15% complete

$1,000 Goal

Above everything else guard your heart, because from it flow the springs of life. - Poverbs 4:23. ISV

Engaging the brokenness within us and around us, not to be "fixed", but rather, to be healed.  That's our desire for everyone.  As written in Proverbs 4:23, caring for our souls is so important in this process.  The many demands of our world, to perform,  to achieve, to be productive, to be creative, to be innovative, to be busy, is exhausting.  More time, more money, more whatever. In this fast paced, hectic and demanding culture, how are we able to hear the still small voice of God, who calls out to us in love and kindness? Our Father who desires intimacy with Him and to experience His presence, gets shut out by the many other voices clamoring for our attention.

Our hope at Restoration River Ranch, is that we can provide opportunities for you to care for your soul as well as care for the soul of others.  

Times of soul care at a mountain retreat, fasting and prayer weekends together with a small group of others, fly fishing soul care days, serving breakfast burritos and coffee to those experiencing homelessness, praying with those who are wrestling with the deep wounds of their pasts and calling young men and women to discover their God given identities and to walk in freedom of being their true selves.  These are all pieces of the journey of soul care.   Won't you join us and take time to care for your soul?



Our mission is to offer soul care with kindness and love to others who may be struggling with the challenges of life, to create opportunities for people to care for their own soul, to pursue deep intimacy with God, and to discover their unique identity as a follower of Jesus.

Background Statement

Organization Data


Organization name

Restoration River Ranch

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization



Service areas

Englewood, CO, US

Denver, CO, US

Littleton, CO, US

Pine, CO, US, 80470



Social Media