Pueblo Rape Crisis Services, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

PRCS serves Southeastern Colorado with prevention education and provides a 24/7 confidential crisis hotline for survivors of sexual violence. We are focused on providing info on healthy relationships, local resources, and love to answer any questions folks might have about our work. At PRCS, we are committed to these values:
1. We believe survivors.
2. We do not discriminate against any individual.
3. We promote racial equity.
4. We help when we are able.
5. We actively confront the injustices perpetuated by rape culture, misogyny, and the patriarchy.
6. We encourage collective care and healing.
7. We treat everyone with dignity and respect.
8. We are committed to operating with honesty and transparency.


"The latest gift I have been given is from the rape crisis center. The door opened when they put an article in the local paper requesting letters from survivors to their perpetrators. It took me a few weeks to decide to walk through that door, but I realized our secret could be no more. I have been met with love, non-judgment, and acceptance. I am confident that this open door will lead me to find a way to make all things work together for even more good."


PRCS empowers survivors, provides victim advocacy, and builds community awareness to reduce sexual violence.

Background Statement

PRCS has been around since the 1970s. We became our own own 501(3)(c) in 2001 and directly serve 450 individuals annually. Crisis intervention and trauma-informed advocacy are at the heart of all we do. While our cause may be a difficult reality to contemplate, we provide an essential service in our region and are honored to be part of the healing journey for many survivors.

Organization Data


Organization name

Pueblo Rape Crisis Services, Inc.

other names


Year Established



Mental Health & Crisis Intervention

Organization Size

Medium Organization


503 N Main St., STE 526
Pueblo, CO 81003

Service areas

Pueblo County, CO, US



Social Media